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At a Meeting of the Members and Friends of the Church of England held pursuant to Public Notice, in the School-house at Melbourne, Port Phillip, on Tuesday, the 30th January, 1838, to take steps for the erection of an Episcopalian Church and Clergyman's Residence at Melbourne, and to procure the appointment of a resident Minister, Captain William Lonsdale, P.M., the Chair, the following Resolutions were submitted to the Meeting, and carried unanimously: -

1. Resolved - That the increasing population of the district of Port Phillip renders it a duty to take measures for the erection of a Church and Residence for a Clergyman of the United Church of England and Ireland, in the township of Melbourne.

2. Resolved - That, with a view to forward this undertaking, subscriptions be now entered into in farther aid of the sum of One Hundred Pounds from the Funds of the Societies for Promoting Christian Knowledge and for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, which the Lord Bishop of Australia (William Grant Broughton)has been pleased to contribute towards the proposed object.

3. Resolved - That as soon as a sum not less than Three Hundred Pounds (including the contribution on the part of the Bishop) shall have been raised, application to be made to his lordship, according to the prescribed forms, to obtain the advance of an equal sum, on the part of the colonial Government and to sanction the appointment of a resident Clergyman with such stipend as, according to the terms of the Act, he may be entitled to in consideration of the number of persons declaring their intention to attend the Church.

4. Resolved - That blank printed forms (marked A and B), be placed in charge of the following gentlemen - Mr. Robert Saunders Webb, Mr. William Frederick Augustus Rucker, and Mr. John Pascoe Fawkner; and also at the principal stores and other public places, with a request that every exertion may be used to obtain subscriptions, together with the signatures of free persons favourable to the Church, and the signatures of masters on behalf of their convict servants. And that the Lists, when completed, be forwarded to the Lord Bishop of the diocese, to be by him submitted for the approval of His Excellency the Governor and the Executive Council.

5. Resolved - That it shall be at the option of the Subscribers to pay their Subscriptions in four instalments, at three, six, nine, and twelve months, from and after the first day of February next ensuing; the parties subscribing giving their acceptances at those dates.

6. Resolved - That the District Committee of the Societies for Promoting Christian Knowledge and for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, established in this place in accordance with the recommendation of the Lord Bishop of the diocese, and composed of the following gentlemen; - Captain William Lonsdale, P. M., President; Mr. Robert Saunders Webb, Treasurer; Mr. James Smith, Secretary; Mr. James Simpson, J. P.; Mr. Charles Howard, D. A. C. G.; Mr. Edward John Eyre, Mr. George Langhorne, Mr. John Gardiner, Mr. Henry Howey, be appointed a Committee (with power to add to their number,) to correspond with the Lord Bishop respecting the proposed new Church, and to carry into effect the Resolutions of this Meeting.

7. Resolved - That Mr. James Smith be requested to act as Secretary, and Mr. Robert S. Webb as Treasurer to the "Episcopalian Church Committee," and that the Treasurer be required to pay into the hands of Trustees hereafter to be appointed, all such sums as he may have from time to time collected.

8. Resolved - That Subscription Lists (marked A) be forwarded to Sydney and Van Dieman's Land, for the purpose of soliciting the aid of persons possessing property in this quarter, and others who may be disposed to contribute.

9. Resolved - That the proceedings of this Meeting be published in the "Sydney Herald" and "Colonist," the "Hobart Town Courier" and "Launceston Advertiser."

(Signed) W. LONSDALE, P. M.,

The Chair having been vacated by Captain Lonsdale, and occupied by Mr. Howard: -

10. Resolved - That the thanks of this Meeting be given to Captain Lonsdale, for his judicious and gentlemanly conduct in the Chair.


9th February - Amount subscribed to this date at Melbourne, £295.

Subscriptions will be received at the Bishop's Registry Office, Sydney.

( "Colonist" - Sydney, New South Wales - 18 April 1838 )

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( Source of Image: National Library of Australia )

Bishop William Grant Broughton

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